Spotlights Featured Resources for Families and Schools

Parent Resources (Search Our Database) 13 Examples of Metacognitive Strategies Dr. Chris Drew When learners “think about their thinking” they are more capable of self-improvement. Metacognitive strategies can be learned, practiced, and made into habits in order to improve learning, studying, and thinking skills into the future. Examples include self-questioning, reflection, mnemonic aids, thinking aloud, graphic organizers, active reading strategies, and more.
11 Ways to Improve Cognitive Development in Early Childhood Tanja McilroyThis post offers a brief overview of: "what cognitive development is; examples of cognitive skills; the four stages of cognitive development; how children think; and 11 ways to improve cognitive skills."

School Resources (Search Our Database) The Something Other: Personal Competencies for Learning and Life Redding, S.This report discusses the “something other”: the constellation of personal competencies (cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, social/emotional) and the learning habits that flow from them.

Insights into Student Motivation Curtis, S. (MiddleWeb) This MiddleWeb Resource Roundup provides discussion about student motivation and learning and links to even more research and resources on the topic.

School Community Journal Resources (Search Our Database) Parenting for Competence and Parenting With Competence: Essential Connections Between Parenting and Social and Emotional Learning Jennifer S. Miller, Shannon B. Wanless, and Roger P. Weissberg In the present study, we aimed to understand the connection between the scholarly field of based social and emotional learning (SEL) and the lived experiences of parents who engage with SEL in a practical setting. The purpose of this investigation—built upon the research base of SEL in schools—is to raise questions, offer a model for further inquiry, and draw connections between our knowledge of school-based social and emotional learning and parenting.
Evaluating Positive Social Competence in Preschool Populations Jennifer M. JoyParticipants in the current study were 153 sets of parents and children attending preschool in a large suburban preschool program in Colorado. Significant pathways were found between Child’s Self-Regulation and Positive Social Competence and between Positive Social Competence and the two other endogenous variables in the model (i.e., variables explained by other variables in the model), namely Social School Readiness and Self-Concept/Self-Esteem.
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