Resource Menu
About these resources....
The School Community Network® Building Blocks provide a structure which works systematically to bring families and schools together in the support of student success. The resources are organized by Building Block to give you a better idea of where you might begin on your quest for resources and tools to implement your family engagement strategies.
These pages are chock full...
  • Planning Tools
  • Rubrics
  • Workshop Materials
  • Course Curricula
  • Video clips of schools sharing their experiences

These materials have been used by many schools, refined, and provided here as proven conduits for building successful programs. The school team may improve upon them. Making changes to the procedures suggested in these materials should only be done to improve the outcome or to tailor the work to specific needs of the school, not simply to find shortcuts.

These materials are meant to be used. You may copy and distribute them for use by your school. They are protected by copyright laws, and sharing them with non-participating schools is strictly prohibited.

Click here to share your stories and successes so we can share your ideas with others engaged in this important work.

 Extra Resources
Some of the resources in this manual also appear in Beyond the Bake Sale: The Essential Guide to Family-School Partnerships, which provides useful information for the school community.