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Solid Foundation®

$3,600 per 3-year cycle

A 3-year comprehensive program with agendas and quality resources

Bring Your School's Vision to Life

Every building project begins with a detailed plan. ADI's signature program, Solid Foundation®, is a comprehensive blueprint for building strong school communities through a three-year implementation cycle to ensure that all students develop a “solid foundation” as:

Self-directed learners,

Avid and literate readers, and

Responsible people who respect themselves and others.

Boy writing at desk

Solid Foundation® provides a rich library of web-based resources and web-based documentation and reporting, including progress reports to evaluate the program’s effectiveness and guide its improvement.

Solid Foundation® Research


Research on the School Community Index and Solid Foundation® 

The schools that participated in the Solid Foundation®
parent–teacher engagement program demonstrated a 1.9% achievement gain over other Illinois elementary schools with identical beginning test scores.…(Redding et al., 2004). 


The Effects of Comprehensive Parent Engagement on Student Learning Outcomes

This study examined the school-level effects on tested student achievement in 129 high poverty elementary schools that implemented a common set of comprehensive parent engagement strategies over a 2-year period.


For questions about this service or to request additional information, fill out the email form. You may also contact Bernadette Anderson directly at 618-874-8150.

Academic Development Institute • School Community Network • Indistar®