The School Community Index Robust data, unique to your school, to inform family engagement planning

The School Community Index survey provides a simple, repeatable process for evaluating perceptions and conditions in the area of family engagement that are relative to your school community. Its purpose is not to provide comparisons with other schools, but to help the school learn more about itself and bring focus to planning. The data, expressed in chart, graph, and narrative form, allow the school team to draw conclusions and plan and deploy strategies tailored to their school's specific needs.

The school's process begins with the Survey Implementation Plan which can be completed by the school team in one meeting. This details the school's actions that will create awareness of the survey in the school community, generate excitement to improve survey participation, and establish the 45-day survey period. Once the survey period is launched, the Survey Progress report allows the principal to monitor the number of responses by grade and ethnic groups to ensure all groups and grades are well-represented. Click here for an overview of the complete School Community Index process.

The design of the School Community Index allows it to be used as a stand-alone assessment tool, but also integrates nicely with both the Family Engagement Tool and Solid Foundation as an assessment instrument.

More About the School Community Index